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I'm just one of them guys who has to much time and thinks too much......stuck in a rut but don't know what will happen next!

Monday, November 01, 2010


Ode To Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love how you help me greet the day with your sweet aroma!  The first sip of the day awakens  my senses.     The second sip tells me its time to rise and shine.  The third sip tells me the world is waiting to give me the gifts of the day.  The fourth sip gives me the energy to meet the days obstacles.  The fifth sip makes me feel so alive. the rest of the sips are to remind how wonderful coffee really is.

  you go great with any kind of breakfast. How you make me ponder life and the universe in the afternoons.  you can be sweet as candy as long as I dump a ton of sugar in you. Bitter as a lover scorned or creamy  as the creamiest milk product as long as i add a delicious creamer to you only if its French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Irish Cream, Amaretto, Plain ol' Milk. Oh how the creamer reminds me of a creamy dreamy brown cloud swirling inside of  my cup!

When it's cold out there, your warming effects warm me right up. You are so delicious on a spring morning when I go out to inspect my garden with you in my hand. you make a gloomy day brighter and a bight day even brighter!